Design and Functionality - the Profession's Main Responsibilities. 


Can you tell me what the architectural situation in Bulgaria is like?
A particularly significant aspect of society's awareness is how architecture shapes the physical and spiritual environment for living. Recent years have seen a number of positive examples, and we are definitely moving in the right direction.
There isn't always enough investment capacity, of course. Architecture is a profession that is constantly looking for more. You shouldn't compromise on design and always look for ways to get effective results. Our products shape the environment and affect people's quality of life for a long time, so we can't cut corners.

What would you design if you had an unlimited budget?
Imagination runs wild when budgets are not a concern and projects come up with the most original ideas. We are always striving to come up with the most innovative ideas that can be implemented in practice.
It would be my pleasure to design a building that is aesthetically pleasing, welcoming, and healthy according to the highest contemporary needs of society.

Creativity means...
Knowing how the scientific, aesthetic, material, and spiritual components of architecture interact and, on the basis of that knowledge, uncovering the best options for solutions.
This post was originally published in ESCREO Interivew  with arch. Neva Damianova